COVID-19 has brought forth an unprecedented level of threat to humankind in the form of health illnesses as well as an economic slowdown. Manufacturing firms and offices across the globe are either shutting down their operations or relieving their employees of their duty due to this pandemic. Among such businesses, one of the most affected areas due to the pandemic is the fashion and jewellery industry; the steep fall in the number of employed people has gravely impacted the sale of luxury items and non-essential items. However, as there is no end date to this deadly virus, it is not wrong to predict that in the recent future fashion will change to accommodate COVID-19. We would have to simply learn to live with the virus until a powerful antibody is developed, and fashion is likely to play a huge, vital role in helping us navigate through this uncertain time.
How Would Fashion Play the Role of Savior?
Now, do not think that fashion and style are here to fight your battles for you. Nonetheless, it does have an important part to act.
- People will realize the importance of keeping clean and clothes will prove to be a burden if they’re difficult to maintain and clean in such times
- Since COVID-19, the drastic increase in people working from home has also called for comfortable and easy-to-move-in clothes. This trend is likely to go on for long.
- In terms of accessories, people are avoiding anything bulgy, heavy, and bold to adopt items that are easy to carry and wear. Minimal daily wear jewellery items will see improved sales and usage
- The contagious factor of COVID-19 has pushed everyone to maintain distance and cover their faces. Any latest fashion is likely to include this factor in their style.
- One of the biggest fashion use will be to manufacture and wear fabric materials that can easily be disinfected and carry anti-germ properties within themselves.
Although the arrival of all these styles, fabrics, and fashion statements might take some time, it is evident that similar to how COVID-19 impacted the fashion industry, the fashion industry is going to fight back and impact the pandemic on its own terms.
Is it the First Time?
Evidently, the answer is no. Throughout the course of history, fashion has responded to any change in the world that might have been introduced due to wars, pandemics, and economic slowdowns or shutdowns. It would not be incorrect to state that more than fashion shows and runway walks, global situations and events have shaped the everyday fashion and street style that is common and known to all of us. (give examples, maybe).
Historically speaking, the deadly spread of influenza in 1918, the era of the great depression, and the world wars shaped how women and men dressed as well as carried themselves. The social condition of the world has always greatly impacted fashion and transformed it from a mere luxury to a necessity based on the requirement.
The COVID-19 pandemic is going to do the same; it will make us think smartly about how we can stay comfortable as well as healthy without burning a hole in the pocket and looking like a stone age era person.
What Type of Clothes and Accessories Will Become Common?
There are a few clothing items and accessories that are expected to become commonplace in the coming few months and rightly so:
Although they are already quite common, scarves will see more usage as people flock to cover their faces and nose to protect themselves from the virus. Now, masks do the right job of keeping COVID-19 away; however, from a fashion viewpoint scarves are likely to get more adopted by women as well as men of every age.
Lightweight, Long Sleeve Clothes
The work from home (WFH) initiative launched throughout the world has put everyone in their pyjamas and leggings and shorts and every other kind of comfortable wear. After the world comes back to its feet, people are likely to look for similar cloth types, only for work and other social events.
Easy to Clean and Wash
Heavy and easily dirtied clothes are going to witness a steep decrease in their popularity. One of the basic methods to fight COVID is to wash up as soon as you come back home after running your errands. Similarly, wash the clothes as well that you wore while outside. The need to regularly wash the outfits will make people turn towards a fabric that can withstand frequent washings.
Minimal and Comfortable Jewellery Accessories
While it may not become a trend soon, it is expected that since people will begin to come out of their homes, taking all the precautions, they’re also likely to avoid wearing heavy and expensive gold jewellery. Not to mention that they will also avoid wearing any type of accessories that might hamper their dressing and clothes fabric. Therefore, the era to look for minimal and comfortable jewellery designs, such as lightweight sleek gold chains and necklaces, pendants and rings.
Shoes and Boots and Whatnot
As people start to dress smartly, they’ll also flock toward footwear that does not expose their feet. Most likely, people are going to opt for shoes, boots, or other footwear that cover their feet while making them comfortable to walk, run, and carry their errands without hassle or rashes.